To celebrate World Vegan day I’m sharing the simplest yet kick ass snack recipe (if you can even call it a recipe) known to any vegan.IMG_7314-1.JPG

This simple little munch is lovingly dedicated to a very awesome and inspiring friend of mine – a French little bundle of joy; Marie.

As a French woman staring down the barrel of a Sunday without croissants as she explores a vegan lifestyle, she’s asked for my help, so here it is.

She also has a partner in crime wanting to explore the vegan terrain, so for the purpose of him keeping his superhero profile a secret, we’ll call him Monsieur X.

Now there’s probably quiet expectation for me to blow your socks off with something shmancy, and I will in good time, but I’m a big believer in simple uncomplicated food that makes you crazy with excitement to GET-IT-IN-MA-BELL-LAY! Especially when you’re dipping your toes in a new eating style.

As you know, I hail from a family butchering business (ironically) and the rules I learned growing up were simple – quality food, wholesome eating, made with the love of providing for your family and sharing with others. Regardless of your dietary choices, these rules seem to be the cornerstone of pretty much every kitchen table in my family. Even if there is a side helping of “your grandparents would turn in their graves”… 😀

When I made the decision to revamp my eating habits and kick certain shit to the curb, this modest snack/mini meal saved my sanity and my belly in that first month. I couldn’t believe it tasted so good.

So now, my lovely Marie,
You love a good avocado, so lap this shit up!!! It might even be TOO simple for your already healthy ass, but it will not disappoint you young lady! X

IMG_7315-1.JPG6 ingredients.
1 happy mind.
1 happy belly. 

Bread (preferably bread the French would be proud of. Failing that, sliced bread does the trick).
Vegan Mayo

1. Toast the bread.
2. Slice the avocado
3. Half the lemon.

4. Slather mayo on toast.
5. Layer on top the luscious avocado (nature’s cheese) 😁
6. Squeeze fresh lemon juice on top.
7. Sprinkle freshly cracked black pepper and rock salt.


Variations include: avocado, peanut butter and strawberries OR peanut butter and strawberries.


Any questions pop them below.




New Potato Season

In my grandmother’s house the humble golden little new spud was a welcome guest in her kitchen. These little guys most likely came from a local farmer or from the boot of a road side food seller. They were lovingly adored from the minute you set eyes on them, to the second a steaming, salted, peppered, and buttered morsel hit your lips. Your eyes would close, your mouth would become some sort of man-made wind funnel to adjust to the temperature, and a smile would stretch across your face as you Mmm’d your way towards another bite. This, was ‘new potato season’, and this was my first one of the year.

HOT POTATO! Photo by Sam Jordan ©2013

Photo by Sam Jordan ©2013